Friday, March 12, 2010


First thing's first, let me shout at'cha, SARAH ALLEN. You are the only person who even mentions my blog, so this one's for you sister. I miss the fudge out of you.

So I really don't update this thing as often as I would like to. Right now life pretty much sucks because work sucks. We are super busy and I deal with fanatical basketball losers, mostly old men who do NOT enjoy talking to a girl on the phone. So, I spend most of my time chanting the Serenity Prayer. The weekend is my only real "me" time. Here is it's been looking like:

Last weekend we went to the park, and apparently we had the same idea as everyone else in the tri-state area.
This is the pedestrian bridge. They have it closed right now, but hopefully they will open that thing back up in the next month or so. It is really neat to stroll down, and you can look down on the park underneath. So we've got that going for us. We tried to go into the ice cream place, Clumpie's, but that line was too long and I wasn't havin' it. So here's whats up:
MAYFIELD Y'ALL!!! this is the Purity of Chattanooga, only hella better. I personally feel the chocolate wafer on the purity sandwiches are too hard. These were nice and soft, and I can truly say I enjoyed the hell out of that treat. Put a Brown Cow in front of me, and I'll take your arm off.

This weekend has been more of a one day adventure, if you will. We hit up Good Dog again where I feasted on some frites. What was different about today? DONUTS!!! A donut shop opened across the street called Chattanooga's Julie Darling Donuts. You can actually smell the tastiness as you walk up to the building.
THIS is what was waiting on me when I waddled on inside. I wish I had taken a picture of our choices, but I didn't even think about it as I went in for the kill. I had a blueberry cake, and Chris had a strawberry iced. I don't care how many calories I inhaled, it was worth it.

After the damage was done, I made Chris take me to the Goodwill on Old Hixon Pike. I found two button up shirts that were totally awesome. I'll tell you what's not awesome though, and that is having to use a thrift store dressing room that smells like farts. Not Cool, Chattanooga.

But PLEASE feast your eyes on these two sweet prints on these button ups. This is gonna be great for summer time. Very Griswold Family Vaca.

And here we have a very lightweight pink and blue plaid. Did I mention there is sparkle thread in it? I also ran across this here cat. Look at it. So so upsetting. Like, so upsetting to me that I took a picture and put it in my blog. Chris doesn't think it's funny. I do.

So that's pretty much it. I don't have anything super exciting going on, but I DID get my hair did. I am straight up feeling like a new woman.
Obviously I blinked, but I think these kinds of pictures are the keepers. God, my house looks so boring. ANYWAY, this has gone on too long. Hope you enjoyed my post. If you're lucky, I'll update my feelings on a little show I call 16 & Pregnant. Right now I need to watch Bobby Flay cook a chicken pot pie. BYEEEEEEEEE!!!!

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chattanooga, TN, United States
living the dream
