Sunday, June 7, 2009

vaca vaca vaca

I want a VACATION so f-ing bad. I just saw the hangover last night, and it made me wanna get nuts in sin city. Times like these make me wish I had girlfriends who wanted to cross state lines and PARTY it up with me, seeing as how getting absolutely nuts isn't really what Chris considers a good time. I dunno what it is about Vegas, but I love love love it. I would live there if I was ballin enough. Anyone wanna sponsor a trip for me? I swear it will be worth your hard earned cash. We can have some drinks, win some cash, catch a show, have more drinks, make bad decisions... COME ON! it would be sick - like, exactly like the movie Showgirls. AWESOME!!!!


  1. i'm down. tunica is a short drive. i'll go anywhere with you. i bet claire could be convinced. we'll rally the crazies.

  2. You know I am ALWAYS down for a good time. Lets roll.



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chattanooga, TN, United States
living the dream
